Deciding whether to file a lawsuit to pursue compensation for a traumatic brain injury can be daunting. If you find yourself in this situation, having access to reliable information is essential. Our blog provides free and reliable info that can help you when exploring your legal rights.
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When a Traumatic Brain Injury Results in Epileptic SeizuresA traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in epilepsy resulting in seizures. A seizure results when the electrical function of the brain short circuits.
The Elderly Are At Risk of Traumatic Brain InjuryLos Angeles elderly people are at risk of suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI). In many instances, the accidents are a result of negligence by another party.
California Brain Injuries & The Glasgow Coma ScaleThe Glasgow Coma Scale is used to estimate and categorize the outcomes of traumatic brain injury using a 15-point scale. If you or a family member has sustained a serious brain injury, contact a California brain injury attorney at our office for legal advice.
Injured in a Southern California Car Accident? Know the Symptoms of Post-Concussion SyndromeA concussion can lead to more potential problems such as post-concussion syndrome. Symptoms may not occur until seven to days from the accident. If you have sustained a head injury from someone else's negligence, contact a California brain injury attorney at our office today.
“Talk and Die” Head Injuries Can Affect California Accident VictimsA “talk and die” head injury can result from a car accident, truck accident or even a slip and fall.
Can a Brain Injury Lead to Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease or Dementia?A traumatic brain injury sustained in adulthood can lead to a long-term condition, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or dementia.
Disabilities Associated with a Traumatic Brain InjuryA traumatic brain injury can lead to serious disabilities. Read this article to learn more and contact Steinberg Injury Lawyers at (800) 989-6385
Your Brain Injury May Be Keeping You Awake At NightA traumatic brain injury can lead to a sleep disorder. If you have suffered a brain injury caused by someone else's negligence, such as in a car accident or slip and fall, you may be entitled to compensation.
Posttraumatic Seizures Can be Caused by Traumatic Brain InjuriesA traumatic brain injury can lead to many complications, including late posttraumatic seizures. If you have sustained a head injury from a car accident or other catastrophic event, you may be entitled to compensation.
Car Accident Can Cause Irreversible Brain DamageSteinberg Injury Lawyers discusses head trauma and the irreversible damage a car accident can do to someone's brain.